OMH Core Colors

OMH Core colors are a set of color combinations and palettes that represent OMH's brand personality and are used to demonstrate the company’s visual identity.

OMH Core Primary Color

The OMH brand color purple (#43285D) is used as the primary color in any OMH sites and applications.
Primary Color should be used for the “important space” on the website, such as Header, CTA buttons, headlines, Primary button, icons, download forms, and to highlight other relevant information.

OMH Core Primary Color Palette
CMYK (28%, 57%, 0%, 64%)
RGB rgb(67, 40, 93)
HEX #43285D
OMH Core Secondary Color

The color yellow (#F4A71C) and Blue #128EC3 are the secondary colors, used to highlight the less critical information, such as subheadings, supporting contents, testimonials, secondary buttons, and FAQs.

OMH Core Secondary Color Palette
CMYK (0%, 32%, 89%, 4%)
RGB(244, 167, 28)
Water Blue
CMYK (91%, 27%, 0%, 24%)
RGB (18, 142, 195)
HEX #128EC3
OMH Core Color And Tints

OMH core color tints are the lighter versions of OMH core primary and secondary color

OMH Core Color And Tints Palette
Lavender Purple
CMYK (13%, 20%, 0%, 38%)
RGB (139, 127, 159)
Light Periwinkle
CMYK (7%, 6%, 0%, 11%)
RGB (212, 213, 227)
Pale Gold
CMYK (0%, 9%, 55%, 5%)
RGB (243, 221, 109)
Grey Goose
CMYK (91%, 27%, 0%, 24%)
RGB (208, 208, 206)
CMYK (1%, 0%, 0%, 3%)
RGB (246, 248, 248)
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