Use bolded text for static UI elements like menu items, buttons, screen headings, and anything else to call attention to words or phrases that will help the users understand the content on the page.
1. The explicit set-up line that comes before bullet points that states something like this: “Both of these must be true.”
2. The first part of a sentence, for scanability, when there’s a need to clearly set apart.
3. Numerals, for scanability.
4. The different types of accounts through which you can sign in to My DMV, and
5. The design element or text link we want the user to click on when we’re walking them through online instructions.
6. If you are presenting a series of label and value pairs, such as the contact information (address, phone number, etc.) for a location. The label is always bold, not the value, and the label and value are separated by a line break as opposed to a colon.
1. In any part of a text link, since the blue and underlining sets apart that text enough.
2. For words used to emphasize a point being made in the text, like “only if.”
3. When the label is serving as a subhead. Use an H3 or an H4 instead. Screen readers navigate around the page by headings. If the subhead text is bold, the screen reader will skip that section of the page.